Legal Policy

Any content Biometrics4ALL (herein referred to as “We”) may post on this Site discussing legal and legislative developments is for purely informational purposes.  It may not be construed as legal advice.  You (the user) should direct questions about legal issues and legislative developments to your legal counsel.

By accessing and/or using this Site, you acknowledge this disclaimer and agree to be bound by the further terms and conditions set out below.

No Warranties

Biometrics4ALL makes no warranties or representations regarding the accuracy or currency of information on this Site.  We will assume no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the Content of this Site.  We may change or update information without notice at any time, for any reason.  We can make improvements and/or changes to product offerings and programs shown on this Site at any time, without notice.  Your use of this Site is at your own risk.  Biometrics4ALL shall not be held accountable for the accuracy or currency of any third party Site information.

Limitation of Liability

Biometrics4ALL shall not be held liable, under any circumstances, for any damages suffered by any user, including incidental, special, exemplary or resulting damages (including, without limitation, lost profits or damages for business interruption, loss or disclosure of information, programs or other data) that result from access to, use of, or inability to use this site or due to any breach of security associated with the transmission of information through the internet, even if Biometrics4ALL was advised of the possibility of such damages.

Due to scheduled maintenance, will be unavailable between 7:00pm - 7:15pm (PST).